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It’s Flat Tyre Breath Playtime!

Anytime I feel excited or silly, my friend Breath and I play say-and-do.

I say "When I change the way I'm breathing, I change the way I'm feeling," and I do the flat tyre breath.

About the Flat Tyre Breath

How do you help to calm an excited or silly child?

With our quirky flat tyre superhero breathing pattern, that makes releasing excess energy loads of fun. We know this breathing pattern will quickly become a favourite for both kids and adults.

1. Introduce the definition of the emotion

The first step for your child in understanding how to regulate their emotions is learning how to identify and name the feeling they are experiencing.

So, BEFORE viewing the flat tyre breath videos on this webpage, please share with your child our definition of what feeling excited and silly means. This can be found under the heading “What does feeling excited and silly mean?” below.

2. Learn how to do the breathing pattern

After learning the definition scroll down to go to the demonstration video. Learn the flat tyre breath by watching this video which is guided by Ash and Kelsey.

This breathe-along video shows and explains in explicit detail how to do this breathing pattern by playing the say-and-do game. This is the core strategy we use to teach the skill of emotional-regulation through mindful breathing.

You can also use the written script below the video to provide extra support for younger children, or children with additional needs.

3. Practice to embed this new skill

Then it’s time to apply the learning through proactive practice! Once your child is familiar with this breathing pattern they can breathe-along with Ash and Kelsey in the playtime practice video. Practice is the key to strengthening their emotional-regulation and resilience skills.

It is through the repetition of practice that the knowledge of how to use their breath will shift from your child’s conscious mind into their subconscious. So turning to their friend Breath for support when they feel excited and silly will become second nature, and a skill they will use for life.

Suggested variations that either simplify or extend the flat tyre breath are offered below the video to help your child explore other fun ways of doing this breathing pattern.

How does this breathing pattern help?

The short, sharp inhales in the flat tyre breath promote present-moment awareness by helping a child to become grounded in the here and now.

The extended exhale triggers the relaxation response by activating the parasympathetic nervous system. This helps counteract the physiological arousal associated with excitement and silliness, promoting a state of calmness and relaxation.

While the flat tyre ‘sssss’ sound provides a calming auditory stimulus. The gentle, rhythmic nature of this sound can help shift the child's attention away from sources of excitement or silliness towards a more calming focal point.

The flat tyre breath is a simple shared strategy that adults and children can use together to help a child when they feel excited or silly. The flat tyre breath provides a collaborative approach to emotional-regulation, which is key in developing resilient, confident, and calm children.

If you are using the Zones of Regulation approach we suggest using the flat tyre breath when a child is in the yellow zone.

★ Important Note - Please Be Aware

Our suggestion on how to use this breathing pattern is a guide only. The flat tyre breath can be used at anytime by your child. There is no right or wrong way or time to use this breathing pattern.

Knowing they can turn to their friend Breath, anytime, anywhere, is the base understanding that we aim to instil within a child. So please allow them to use the flat tyre breath in another scenario, or for a different emotion, if they choose.

Visual representation of My Friend Breath helps you to go from feeling silly and excited to feeling calm

What does feeling excited and silly mean?

Just like you have a name, feelings have a name that they like to be called too.

Excited is the name given to the feeling you get when you’re really, really happy about something that's going to happen or something you’re doing! It makes you want to jump up and down with joy!

Feeling excited is your mind and body’s way of saying, "I'm bursting with joy, and I want to let it all out!"

Silly is the name given to the feeling you get when you’ve got so much energy bubbling up inside you that you just can't sit still. It's like you've got a bunch of little jumping beans in your belly, and they're making you feel all wiggly and giggly!

Feeling silly is your mind and body’s way of saying, “Let's have some fun and let loose!"

It's okay to feel excited or silly. All kids and grown ups feel this way sometimes. It’s part of being alive.

However it’s important to think about where you are and what's going on around you. If it is time to be quiet and still, you can save these feeling for later, and show respect to others by being calm.

When you feel excited or silly you can do the flat tyre breath

Doing this superhero breathing pattern can help you to change the way you feel, by pausing your excited or silly feelings and calming your mind and body.

Do the flat tyre breath when you’re feeling excited or silly because:

  • You feel full of too much energy,

  • You are in a rush and need to slow down,

  • You feel like you’re about to explode with excitement,

  • You find it difficult to be still, quiet, or wait for your turn,

  • After a play break so you‘re ready to listen and learn,

  • Or any other time that you feel excited or silly.

Learn how to do the flat tyre breath

How to do the Flat Tyre Breath

Anytime I feel excited or silly my friend Breath and I play say-and-do. I say ‘When I change the way I’m breathing, I change the way I’m feeling’ and I do the flat tyre breath.

Hold your arms down beside your body, palms facing out.

Begin pumping up your tyre by taking short sharp inhales. With each inhale move your arms slightly upward, imagining your excited or silly energy is filling up the tyre.

Keep inhaling until your arms are stretched above your head and your tyre is full. Then give a loud clap to burst the tyre. Interlace your fingers, palms facing down.

Slowly let your energy release as you bring your hands down in front of you and breathe out with an ‘SSSSSSSSSSS’ sound.

Exhale to release every last drop of energy out of your tyre, then rest your hands back by your side.

These movements, combined with the slow exhale, help me to release excited or silly energy from my mind and body.

What is the strategy that helps change the way they feel?

The flat tyre breath is based on the My friend Breath 'say-and-do game’, which is the core strategy we use to teach emotional-regulation and resilience skills.

First your child will say: "When I feel excited or silly my friend Breath and I play say-and-do. I say, when I change the way I'm breathing, I change the way I'm feeling, and I do the flat tyre breath.”

By saying this powerful catchy-cry a child acknowledges and accepts how they are feeling and sets the intention to change their emotional state, by using their breath.

Then your child will do: The flat tyre breath superhero breathing pattern.

Using this say-and-do strategy helps to embed the link between the breathing pattern and the emotion, so when a child feels that particular feeling they are aware of which breathing pattern they can do to support themselves to change how they feel.

Now it’s playtime with your friend Breath!

The more you practice this superhero breathing pattern, the easier it will be to turn to your friend Breath for help when you feel excited or silly.

Have fun trying these variations!

Get creative and have fun, allow your body to change this practice and do it in a way that feels good for you.

  • Have spaghetti arms on the exhale.

  • Change the number of inhales to get to the top - speed it up to 3 or slow it down and do more than 5.

  • Vary the sound that is released on the exhale.

  • You can do this breathing pattern seated or lying down.

When is the best time to play in the MFB playground?

Visiting the MFB playground for a few minutes every day will help your child embed the link between a superhero breathing pattern and an emotion.

So when your child feels that particular feeling, they are aware of which breathing pattern they can do to support themselves to change how they feel.

Playtime practice is the best way to develop the skill of emotional-regulation through mindful breathing.

  • At home - establish a regular MFB playtime with your child, perhaps before bed or first thing in the morning.

  • In class - use playtime in the MFB playground before or after a break, or as a transition between lessons.

Without prior practice, it's hard for a child to turn to their breath when they feel excited or silly. So the best time to practice in the MFB playground is when your child is calm and you feel calm too.

Tips for playtime practice:

  • Playing in the MFB playground together with a child will help develop a collaborative and consistent approach to emotional regulation. Which both adult and child can use to support each other in times of need.

  • Show your child how to access the breathing pattern via the QR code on the poster located in the printable guide. This will empower them to independently play with their friend breath, anytime, anywhere.

  • If you have a playground pass, you can print the Superhero Breathing Playtime Practice Tracker so that your child can use this as an accountability tool and mark off each time they play with their friend Breath.

Access the guide and activities here

Make playtime practice even more fun with these games and activities:

  • Printable mazes at three difficulty levels,

  • Reflective activities - print and complete or display as activity prompts,

  • Flat Tyre Breath breathing practice poster to print and display,

  • Plus a QR code that links to this webpage so kids can easily access the videos and game on their own devices.

It’s memory race time!

Can you find a matching pair in ten seconds or less? The race is on, let’s go superhero!

Swipe to explore all 16 superhero breathing patterns!

Each piece of equipment in a playground, such as a slide, swing, or climbing frame, offers a child a different playtime experience and helps them to develop their gross motor skills and physical fitness.

In the same way, each of our superhero breathing patterns in our Superhero Club Playground offers a child a different playtime experience, and helps them to develop their emotional fitness skills.

Learn more about each feeling focus and its corresponding superhero breathing pattern below!